The RESIDE project
The RESIDE research programme (2017-2023) brings together an interdisciplinary team of architects, engineers, digital scientists, urban planners and behavioural researchers to assess all aspects of the residential energy use problem, including:
performance of the building fabric;
in-home appliances including heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
indoor environment and
occupant behaviour.
RESIDE will undertake surveys and monitoring of energy consumption in 2000 homes spread across the five different climatic zones in India in order to build up a new, open access database for policy and practitioner communities in India and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
In 10% of these homes, we will also trial and evaluate a Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS), to be designed within the project, to enable householders greater control over their comfort and energy consumption.
These activities will be used to develop low-cost monitoring and post-occupancy evaluation (POE) protocols suitable for the Indian situation.
By engaging with a wide range of stakeholders involved in planning and construction throughout the project, and by undertaking an extensive review of policy experiences in similar countries, the RESIDE project will establish the key factors essential for consideration in the development of a new residential building code for India.
Then, building on the extensive data collected through the project, and a set of co-design workshops, the project will develop a proposed framework for a new residential building code.