UK partners

Prof Rajat Gupta, UK lead for RESIDE project, Oxford Brookes University
Rajat is Director of Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development and Low Carbon Building Research Group. His research interests lie in evaluating housing performance through post-occupancy evaluation (POE) tools (POE) and local energy mapping using DECoRuM model. As Principal Investigator, Rajat has been awarded £10 million in research grants from EPSRC, ESRC, EU and Innovate UK. Until recently Rajat was PI on a £1.14 million ESRC/EPSRC funded EVALOC project on evaluating impacts of low carbon communities. He is currently PI on an EPSRC funded WLP+ project linking workplace productivity with indoor environmental quality. Rajat is also leading a United Nations (UN) funded research project on mainstreaming sustainable social housing in India (MaS-SHIP) and is co-leader (with CEPT University, India) of a Newton Fund project on building performance evaluation for India (Learn-BPE). Rajat has produced over 175 publications.

Matt Gregg - Oxford Brookes University
Matt Gregg is a Research Fellow in Architecture and Climate Change, based in the OISD at Oxford Brookes University. Matt specialises in modelling and simulation of low carbon design and retrofit in both current and future climate conditions. He also has ample experience in residential and non-domestic building performance evaluation. Matt has a Master of Science in Sustainable Building: Performance and Design from Oxford Brookes University, a Bachelor of Architecture and has accreditation in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED BD+C).

Prof Fergus Nicol - Oxford Brookes University
A physicist who has held posts at research councils and schools of architecture. With Michael Humphreys he developed the adaptive thermal comfort model and is lead author for the key text Adaptive Thermal Comfort: Principles and Practice. Fergus is Professor at four universities and author of nearly 200 papers, books and of professional guidance for CIBSE. He has led major adaptive comfort surveys in the UK, Pakistan and Europe and has developed survey methods for defining comfortable conditions and adaptive responses. His research forms the basis of the European Standard EN15251.

Dr Sonja Dragojlovic-Oliveira - University of the West of England
Architect and Senior Lecturer with over 15 years’ experience in studying social practices in low carbon residential developments. Until recently she led the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) project on international evidence of heating controls in the residential sector. Sonja has extensive experience of enabling recommendations that have industry and policy relevance.
India partners

Prof Vishal Garg - India lead for RESIDE project, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Professor and Head of CBS. His research expertise is in building simulation and wireless monitoring for enabling energy demand reduction. As Co-I on the 5-year $10 million Indo-US CBERD project, Vishal led the development of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) compliance tool, low cost wireless sensors and demand response. He also developed the energy code for Lebanon funded by World Bank, and a Green Homes rating system supported by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). He has published 28 journal papers and is lead author of Building Energy Simulation workbook.

Dr Sachin Chaudhari - International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor having research interest in wireless sensor networks and internet of things (IoT) in the context of smart buildings. He is part of the Centre for Excellence in Signal Processing established by Ministry of Human Resource and Development.

Prof Jyotirmay Mathur - Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Professor in CEE. His research is on adaptive thermal comfort, passive cooling and building-integrated solar photovoltaics. Jyotirmay sat on the committee responsible for implementation of ECBC and co-chairs the Standards Committee of the Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) on developing an Indian Standard for indoor environment quality. He led the task on low energy cooling/heating systems under the CBERD project. He has published 65 research papers in refereed journals.

Dr Tarush Chandra - Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Head of Department of Architecture and Planning and holds a PhD in urban planning. His research interests include policy planning, urban transformation, solar passive architecture and developing policies related to sustainable habitat. He has organized several training and outreach activities for enhancing awareness about green rating systems.