18 August 2023 | RESIDE Roundtable in New Delhi
The residential sector in India accounts for 24% of all electricity usage, and by 2050, residential electricity consumption is expected to increase by more than eight times. Understanding the factors that drive the use of residential electricity in India is essential for designing policies that can reduce its expected growth.
This roundtable event shared knowledge, tools and insights produced by the DST/EPSRC funded India-UK RESIDE project on residential building energy demand. The event also stimulated dialogue on the challenges and future directions for residential energy demand research in India.
10 December 2021 | RESIDE findings shared at an invited lecture
Professor Rajat Gupta (Oxford Brookes University) was invited by the premier Central Building Research Institute, IIT Roorkee (India) to deliver an expert lecture on 10 December 2021. Professor Gupta’s lecture was on Moving towards climate smart buildings and included finding from RESIDE field work on measuring residential energy use across urban Indian dwellings.
The invited lecture was part of ‘Lecture Series’ by eminent speakers on Energy and Climate Change Mitigation, and was attended by over 100 delegates from industry, academic and policymaking.
21 April 2021 | Presentation at BEHAVE 2020-21 Conference
Professor Rajat Gupta and Dr Anu Antony of Oxford Brookes University delivered a conference presentation on Empirical assessment of sociotechnical factors that influence residential electricity use in India at the virtual BEHAVE 2020-21 conference on behaviour and energy efficiency held from 21-23 April 2021. The paper was based on survey data gathered in the Indo-UK RESIDE project.
20 February 2021 | RESIDE highlighted in keynote at international conference
Professor Rajat Gupta was invited to deliver a keynote at the virtual ‘International Conference on Built Environment, Science and Technology’ (ICON-BEST 2021) held on 20-21 February 2021, India.
Professor Gupta’s keynote was entitled ‘Getting real: building performance evaluation in the Indian context’, and shared emerging findings from RESIDE research on human aspects of residential energy use.
19 February 2021 | Panelist at UK India Joint Consultation event
Professor Rajat Gupta was invited to be a panelist at the online ‘UK-India Joint Consultation’ event on sector needs on Decarbonisation. Professor Gupta spoke about the ongoing research on mitigating resident energy demand in India as part of the RESIDE project.
The event was organised by Finovista and Unconventional Connections and held on 19 February 2021. It was as part of ‘UK-India Innovation Partnership Initiatives on Low-Carbon Growth/Climate Change’, a programme commissioned jointly by Department for International Trade (DIT) and Science & Innovation Network (SIN), British High Commission, India.
The programme aims to identify strong areas of UK expertise /innovations that could be jointly developed or rolled out with Indian partners to meet challenges faced by Indian businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.