
RESIDE hosts round table on measuring residential energy use at Energise 2020 conference
14 February 2020
RESIDE project hosted a Round Table on measuring and monitoring residential energy use in India: challenges and opportunities on 13 February 2020 in Hyderabad. The Round Table was held as part of the plenary session of Energise 2020 conference that took place from 11-13 February 2020.
RESIDE Round Table shared the challenges and opportunities arising from the ongoing RESIDE field study, and sought inputs and experiences of other organisations who have undertaken such studies. The Round Table was attended by nearly 50 attendees from academia, Government, industry and civil society.
Prof Vishal Garg (IIITH) introduced the RESIDE study and the low-cost sensors that have been developed for monitoring indoor environment and electricity current. Prof Rajat Gupta (OBU) described the RESIDE approach for large-scale survey of residential energy use and thermal comfort across different cities in India. Prof Jyotirmay Mathur (MNIT) moderated the discussion.
It became evident that building a common understanding of issues and potential solutions to measuring residential energy use in India would help to advance solutions for reducing residential energy.

RESIDE at the Roundtable on Residential Electricity Consumption in India
02 August 2018
Prof. Vishal Garg from IIIT Hyderabad presented the current findings in the RESIDE project and the upcoming surveys and monitoring of energy consumption in homes spread across the five different climatic zones in India in order to build up a new, open access database for policy and practitioner communities in India.
The roundtable was sponsored by Prayas (Energy Group) and the Centre for Policy Research

Award of India-UK Collaborative Projects on Energy Demand Reduction in the Built Environment
19 February 2018
The award ceremony for the India-UK Collaborative Projects on 19th February, 2018 at the Shangri La Hotel in New Delhi introduced all partners in projects in awarded projects to the 'Energy Demand Reduction in Built Environment' Programme.
The ceremony also included the release of the brochure on DST NERC Programme on Energy Demand Reduction in Built Environment, and the release of Dossier on Initiative to Promote Habitat Energy Efficiency (I-PHEE).